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Response of the Ursuline Sisters of Cleveland to the Recent Shooting in Buffalo, NY

Posted May 19, 2022 in Articles

“We, the Ursuline Sisters of Cleveland, pledge to work in solidarity with others to end racism.  We deplore racist words and actions that evoke acts of hatred and violence against People of Color.”
~Ursuline Sisters Anti-Racism Statement - June 2021 

As a congregation of religious women, we are outraged and saddened by the hate-induced violence that resulted in the death of ten people recently in Buffalo.  We denounce white supremacy and we grieve in union with all persons who live in fear and who suffer dehumanization, disrespect, and the threat of violence.

In June of 2021, the Ursuline Sisters of Cleveland issued an official anti-racism statement in which we included our commitment to a process of education in learning how to demonstrate anti-racism in word and action.

We pray in solidarity with the families of those killed and pray for those injured by or a witness to this violent hate crime. We commit to a change of heart, individually and collectively, which addresses racism in others and ourselves.

We invite you to join us in this resolve.