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A Meditation
Advent comes as a time of darkness….Mary, God’s own mother knew darkness…..knew waiting…..knew longing…..Imagine yourself with her in darkness….close your eyes….See with your heart the darkness within…Enter the place of emptiness… of unknowing….remain there not knowing, going beyond all knowledge….gently let the flow of Spirit in to what in you seems obscure and blind…
Let darkness embrace you on the inside…. darkness like a deepening spiral… let the darkness draw you to your deep down depths….darkness is womb, is seed underground where birthing begins….you vault to new depths within.. your emptiness is waiting.
Enter the wellspring deep within….A wellspring, an energy that you cannot name….a longing for something that is deep within, at your very center….. yet beyond you….Is this the invitation that was permanently extended at the Samarian well long ago…the woman longed for just this depth. Jesus, the man of Galilee gave living water to her….a fountain springing from within her very being.. sit in this waiting….be with this longing for a few minutes….you are yearning, searching…ask. Mother of God, help us ponder, to enter this deep-rooted center within, where God dwells, where hope is born and life born of Spirit overflows flows.