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“Most high, all-powerful, all good Lord….praised be You, my Lord with all your creatures.” Canticle of St. Francis Assisi

Dogs and cats have been the center of our political debates and news for a few weeks. Walking my dog recently I began to think about another person and another time when all kinds of creatures of God took center stage. In his Canticle to the Sun St. Francis of Assisi honors all of God’s creation through words of praise and acknowledges the importance of all of creation.
It is clear that Francis treasured every aspect of the created world and often chose to spend time in the presence of these sisters and brothers, the sun and moon, the stars and sky, the birds and fox. His respect leads me to a realization of the gifts and graces of our world. And how often we forget the secrets present for us in the many aspects of life on this planet. So, to share this reflection, let me invite you to travel on that walk with me and my dog, Angie.
We travel to Villa Angela beach. I park about a mile away from the beach and as we exit the car, Angie is 100 % present to all the sights and sounds along the path to the lake. It is a quiet time for us. She smells the tall grass and we share the gift of its scent and it’s feel on our paws and feet. We move to the gurgling of the creek along the path and she looks at me as she spies the minnows and garter snakes and rabbits hopping with us along the edge of the water. She smiles at all this life that I would miss if not for Angie.
A dog of similar breeding then crosses our path. What a joy. Angie and this dog circle each other, smelling and yapping greetings so expressive of the joy they feel at this happenstance meeting. And, I am reminded to share this same joy with my fellow dog walker who is obviously happy at this meeting. As we It move along we encounter some bigger friends of the forest, the beautiful deer standing among the trees. They stop as does Angie and exchange quiet nods before they move into the darkness of the wooded areas. These beauties are foreign to Angie as is she to them. Yet, there is a kindred nod and a peaceful presence that invites recognition and maybe next time a closer encounter.
And finally, we arrive at the beach. Angie runs on the sand, chasing the sea gulls with the energy and enthusiasm of the puppy that she is. The gulls stand their ground until Angie reaches them, and then fly away, laughing as they tease her. She enjoys this game though she really never gets close to any of the gulls. She continues to run after them and they in turn laugh as they fly away. Such a joyful exchange. I am reminded of the joy I share with groups of sisters meeting at celebrations; we too, simply enjoy each other.
It is no wonder that Francis took time to experience every gift of God’s creation. The joys that this beauty brings to our lives, the quiet reflection that invites praise and honor. Francis’ Canticle is a wonderful opportunity to appreciate this gift that Pope Francis reflects on in his encyclical, Laudato Si’. In closing I invite you to watch “Brother Sun and Sister Moon” on You tube and also reflect on Pope Francis’ encyclivpcal, Laudato Si’. My hope is that we continue to praise and honor our most high God through our deep love and appreciation of all these creatures including the human ones. Thanks, Angie.

Sister Mary Ellen Brinovec