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Awaken to the power of love in our midst as we swim in an ocean of Divine Mercy that we call God!
Let in the light,
Let in the feminine,
Let in the mother.
Embrace the chaos.
Embrace the darkness.
Embrace the frightened and traumatized world.
Open to fullness
Open to abundance
Open to the loveliness, the womb, the depth of God.
Gentle is this ocean of Divine love
Gentle is the One who nurtures all
Gentle is the touch of change, of transformation.
Guided Meditation
You are invited to enter the silence of your heart….imagine a flame of pure love, of living love burning within you…….(silence) a living flame of love breathing within you….unite your breathing with the living God, the living flame within you…imagine that same breathing going on throughout all of creation… unite yourself with all living things…(silence). The breath of God breathing in the trees so they know it is time to let go of their leaves and to stand for the winter….”what leaves” to you have to discard…to shed… (silence)
Relax your body, and breath in the fire, the flow of Spirit…..ask for the gift of letting go whatever keeps you from being “at home” in Sacred Presence…in seeking such depth of Presence…the mystic in you knows that in spite of suffering, injury, darkness, desolation, confusion, tears, fragmentation, and fear “all is really well” in the words of Julian, of Norwich because the living flame of love is always breathing within….sustaining ….strengthening through all the darkness and fear… a few moments of silence maybe rejoice and give thanks. (silence) God in the silence….God in the stillness….God in every breath that sustains life.
Just pondering,