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I was wondering the labyrinth of my achievements,
Doing it all. Doing it all wrong.
Looking, searching for happiness, for life.
Finding only misery in all the success.
I was surrounded by achievement,
Yet, I could not seem to find the road to peace.
I could not find the road to God..
I seemed to have it all on the outside;
I was empty on the inside.
Then I stumbled, well, I fell into the infinite mercy of God.
And so was transformed by the gift of .Eucharist
I discovered that what I thought was a hunger for material things,
A thirst for success, was really spiritual hunger.
And God was there all along, waiting…
Suddenly, maybe instantly I knew I was surrounded by grace—
And nothing has been the same!
Because I have tasted EUCHARIST at St. Anselm Parish Community.
And my hunger and thirst are satisfied by this infinite food and drink—
Such that I have never tasted before.
It is the body and blood of Jesus—spilled, shed and shared
by my soul-mates in surrender to love—
--for me
--for us
--for the world.
And for today again you and I are the body of Christ.
I am profoundly grateful.