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God is 100%

Candystore.com “reported that [of this year’s Sweethearts conversation hearts]:

• 65% had no markings at all

• 24% had unintelligible misprints

• 8% had partially printed phrases

• 3% had full, well-placed phrases

This year’s Valentine’s crop of candy hearts might have decidedly less to say than usual.”

Ah! But the Great Mystery whispers into the ears of our hearts every day:

  • 100% of you are loved, especially when you feel unlovable.
  • 100% of you are called to love, particularly those who are difficult to embrace.
  • 100% of the time I am with you, even in the darkness and loneliness and sorrow.
  • 100% of your life is in my presence, whether or not you feel it.

This year, as we approach St. Valentine’s Day and every day, God has decidedly much to say to us. And it is always love.

Sister Laura Bregar