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In the Catholic tradition, devotions often arise from the community of the faithful. Such is the tradition of the rosary. From at least the 12thcentury some form of the devotion we know today with decades of Hail Marys divided by an Our Father and Glory Be has been a source of comfort and petition. It has been accredited with victories that have brought peace, healing resulting in wholeness, and miracles beyond measure.
October is the month of The Rosary and the church celebrates the feast of the Holy Rosary on October 7. It is a tradition that has lessened in the lives of many Catholics in general, but is still strong in the hearts of many. Whether or not is a part of your prayer life, It might do us all some good to remember that Mary is the patroness of the United States. In the midst of the pandemic and all its effects on us personally, nationally and globally, let us call upon the virgin protector, the Mother of God and our Mother, to again bring healing and peace, to bring miracles to our world. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us now, and at the hour of our death!