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“Love One Another as I Have Loved You”
How often those words have shown up in my life over years of living and how much I need the reminder day after day and sometimes hour after hour. We are so unconditionally loved by God which is sometimes hard to believe because we know ourselves and how easily fear, disappointment, anger etc. can take over. Yet unconditional love is our birthright, ever present and waiting for us to open our hearts to receive it.
Love heals; it heals ourselves and has potential to heal our world. It heals our burdens, invites our inner joy to emerge, and connects us to one another.
So often, we are not present, yet God is. It is God’s desire that we live fully in the present moment, in the Eternal Now. Being in tune with now, this moment opens a direct line of communication with God. This takes repeatedly bringing ourselves to the present moment and directing our hearts and minds in a loving way.
Directing love to ourselves for a few minutes inclines the heart and mind toward a sense of compassion and kindness. Research supports that such a practice is beneficial to our well-being and positively influences those whose lives we touch.
Loving God, make us instruments of your healing love in our world today.
May we be safe. May we be happy. May we be healthy. May we be free of fear. May we be filled with loving kindness for ourselves and all beings.
Feel free to make up your own wishes and repeat as often as needed.