Make Me an Instrument of Your Peace, Love, and Transformation

The Prayer of St. Francis that has been put to music warms and encourages my heart every time it is sung. The practice of it calls me to be awake and loving no matter what. Where there is hatred sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light.

I am reminded that what I want for our world….love, peace, kindness I must first be within my own being. Deepak Chopra says it this way: If you restore balance in your own self you will be contributing immensely to the healing of the world.” This is a tall order and our daily call.

Some ways I practice it today include speaking the truth in love as Scripture directs us. I learned that if I speak the truth without love, I poison it: if I am loving without the truth it becomes sentimental. So I need to pay attention gently and consistently to my thoughts and motivations.

Some time ago I heard the Dalia Lama being asked what his religion was and his response was: Kindness. I said I’m in. Today my religion is Kindness. Kindness to myself even when I’m not my best self; kindness to all others, those I agree with and those I disagree with; kindness to those who promote war; kindness to the earth and to all that is. And kindness to myself even when I am not kind because I know this is God’s way; God is loving us even when we can’t love ourselves.

May we all restore balance within ourselves so that we may contribute immensely to the healing of our world.

Sister Ann Winters