Meet Bella!


Meet Bella!

May 16, 2023


Let me introduce you to the meditation leader for today, Bella.

Bella is a six-year-old black beauty. She has lived with us for all six years of her life. She is inquisitive, sensitive, loving, honest and forthright. The gift that she brings to our house is her ability to bring us back to cuddle central of life. With a flick of the paw, a lick from her amazingly pink tongue she has an amazing ability to cuddle with you no matter what or where she may find you. Bella can find you in need of God’s loving embrace almost anywhere. And, she is happy to provide that love no matter how she must maneuver, contort or stretch. Bella is attentive to tears, laughter, pain and ennui.

Bella is one of God’s best messengers as she is fearless and persistent. She is also one of God’s greatest gifts as she willingly sacrifices her comfort to bring love to one of her fellow creatures. Bella pursues the sound of tears until she uncovers their source and with a loving pat or lick tries to say it’ll be okay. She can often be found under a quilt or blanket in the morning, hoping her nightly vigil was one of deep grace-filled love. When I think of Bella, I am reminded of my own call to presence and love and sacrifice. So, each invitation to step out of my own comfort zone and be present to another whose pain, sadness, or defeat reminds me of the call to provide this kind of selfless love to whomever may need me.

I am not sure that I can speak of sacrifice in reference to cats but it certainly feels like an invitation to loving presence as I watch her comfort and embrace us as we walk through daily life. And so, I ask myself to stop and spend time with others who need me. It is often hard to set aside the task of the moment to listen, to stop or yes, even to cuddle in the midst of projects and tasks of the every day work life.

Bella is a remarkable creature of God. Her presence in our home is a reminder that we are called to be with and for one another in ways that are loving, healing and cuddly.

Mary Ellen Brinovec and Bella

Sister Mary Ellen Brinovec