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A Story

Once upon a time, every time, this moment, beyond time…

There was a King who had a son that he loved very much. The people in his kingdom loved their king and so the Son was also loved and appeared to follow in his father’s footsteps ruling in goodness, truth, and beauty.

It was also known that the King was getting old and his son had to prove himself worthy of the great responsibility that was to be his. So his father called his son to himself and laid out the test. “You are to travel some distance to the land of Charm, find the dragon, and obtain the gem that is in it’s mouth.”

So off the son went to the land of Charm. It was a wonderful journey and he arrived full of hope for his mission to be accomplished at whatever cost.

The people in the land of Charm greeted him, fed him, rejoiced with him, had a week of celebration in his honor. They gathered around him, loved him, worshiped him, danced with him, entertained him. Time moved on and so did the fun of it all, the charm. Everyone was always charming to him and with him. They taught him how to be charming. Gradually, the king’s son completely forgot his mission and the terrible dragon.

Years went by and the son did not return to his true Father, the king. The people of the kingdom were worried as the Father was getting feeble. They called their council and decided to send a delegate to the land of Charm in search of the King’s son, to bring him back.

The delegate came to the land of Charm and addressed the song sternly, “My boy, what has happened to you. Are you not the son of our King? Did you not come here on a mission? Have you forgotten it! Your Father is old and your people are worried. We need you to accomplish your mission and come home!”

The son was shocked back into reality, and was remorseful. He was so charmed in the land of Charm that he completely forgot who he was.

Immediately he armed himself, found the dragon, sang the creature to sleep and snatched the gem from it’s mouth. He then set out to return to his Father and his people to assume his preparations to become their king. All rejoiced at his return and the real celebration began!

Three questions for your reflection:

What is the truth in the story?

What bothers you or makes you angry in the story?

Who are you in the story?

Perhaps Covid is the messenger waking us up?

“You brothers and sisters, are not in darkness, for that day to overtake you like a thief. For all of you are children of the light and children of the day. We are not of the night or darkness. Therefore, let us not sleep as the rest do, but let us stay alert and sober.”
1 Thessalonians 5:5-6

Sister Mary Joan