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As we enter the celebration of Easter, we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus from the dead. St. Paul simply reminds us in First Corinthians: "And if Christ has not been raised, our preaching is useless and so is your faith." As I read this, I am emotionally stunned. Could it be that all these years of prayer, study, teaching and thriving on the fact that Jesus rose from the dead and is still with us… is it possible that my life would have had no faith, no hope, no preaching, if Christ has not been raised?
But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ!
As believers who have personally encountered Jesus, we know that while we do struggle at times, we do not live under the bondage of sin, but under the freedom of the resurrection life!
We have been chosen by God for salvation. We are called to be holy, kind, compassionate, humble, gentle, and patient. Because of the grace of redemption, we truly begin the celebration of heaven on earth. Because we bear with one another and forgive each other, we ready ourselves for eternal union with Christ. We pray to let the peace of Christ rule in our hearts, to let the word of Christ richly dwell in us as we do all things in the name of Jesus Christ (Col. 3:15-17).
Life as a believer, as a follower of Jesus, is a resurrection life and a heavenly existence. Let the holy anthem rise! Happy Easter!