Prayer just happens, if we choose it. A dedication of one’s day to the Lord is like the key in the ignition of a car. The motor will run until the key is removed. Prayer can do the same for our daily lives. Once we invite it into our hearts, it will bring us closer and closer to our Love, Jesus Himself. And so. dedicating our day as a prayer, we become closer to Jesus and actually develop a habit of prayer. Simple, short invocarions of praise, of love, of repentance on and off throughout the day are easy reminders of our early morning self gift:

“My Lord and my God!”

“Praise to You, Lord Jesus Christ!"

“Jesus, meek and humble of heart, make my heart like unto yours.”

"My Jesus Mercy”

"Lord, haver mercy!”

“I love you, God!”

"Mary, Seat of Wisdom, help me!”

God hears us any time of day and night and God is there to support us in our every decision, great and small.

Irene Charette, OSU