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Respecting All the Living

This year the Catholic observance of Respect Life Month is focused on recognizing the source of our strength in the Eucharist. “Jesus gave his very flesh to give us the gift of eternal life and invites us to the most profound experience of this gift in our celebration of the Eucharist. When we meet Jesus in the Eucharist, this encounter has the power to change us. The Eucharist has the power to transform the depths of our hearts and the heart of our culture. United to the power of his Eucharistic Presence, may we work to ensure that each person has life—and has it in abundance.” I Came So That They Might Have Life | Respect Life

Let us reflect on how our own reception of the Eucharist calls us to defend all who are vulnerable. Jesus transforms us into people who respect the value of every person at every stage of life. This conviction is countercultural in our world today. For too many, expedience takes center stage. Convenience and my “rights” hold sway. This attitude is antithetical to the preservation of life.

We pray especially during October to recognize our complicity with this view and to grow in the compassion of Jesus.

An Examination of Conscience:

For the times I have ignored the poor right in my path, Lord, have mercy.

For the times I have not even seen the vulnerable who share my world, Lord, have mercy.

For the times I have remained silent when life issues are being discussed, Lord, have mercy.

For the times I have failed to support women pregnant with life who are in need, Lord have mercy.

For the times I have not seen life issues as a “seamless garment,” Lord have mercy.

Jesus, each time I receive you in communion may my heart be opened wider to see you more and more in all the living and respond to their needs. Amen.

Sister Virginia DeVinne