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Seasonal Reflection
You can sense it all around you: in the crisp morning air, the rich coloring of the golden rod and iron weed, the excitement or dread (as the case may be) of students returning to classes, the subtle change in coloring of the trees, the leaf blowers revving up their motors, the baseball games heading to conclusion of their season and the football tailgate parties just getting started. The season of summer is quickly drawing to a close and autumn is gaining a stronger foothold. The changes can be perceived by using all our senses: sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch. Spread these senses generously over a given scene and let them talk to you; they will communicate with your mind, your body, your heart, and your spirit. If you stop doing whatever you had previously given yourself to, devoting your entire attention instead to simple awareness of your autumnal surroundings, you will experience a wealth of lessons that will touch your soul. The lessons will bring you greater awareness and appreciation for the beauty and truth and grace of the “now.”
If you get into the habit of spending even ten minutes daily of such intensive mindfulness, you will discover not only the blessings of the natural world in which we live, but you will become more aware of the seasons in your personal life too. You will find yourself placed possibly in the spring time or summer or autumn of life, or maybe entering into the winter days. But one thing holds true no matter where you are in the seasonal cycle of life. Each season holds its own stage of growth, and that growth requires a letting go of some previous blessings in order to be open to even greater blessings. There is no single path through the season but there is a guarantee that you will not journey the season alone. You never walk alone.