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"Kintsugi" is a Japanese artistic process by which ceramic cracks are mended by gold, silver, or platinum lacquers. Thus, the ceramic piece is mysteriously transformed into a new beauty that preserves its brokenness.
The readings pf the Second Sunday of Lent seem startling, confusing, and perhaps offensive to
our modern sensibilities.
The Genesis story depicts Abraham preparing to "sacrifice" his son Isaac. Peter, James, and John are terrified to see Jesus being "transfigured."
At the same time, Peter says: "It is good for us to be here."
What is going on here? Where is a lesson for American life in the 21st century? Perhaps the question for us in the Genesis reading is: "Can we give away what is most precious to us?" The word "transfigured" in Greek means an inner change that leads to an external one, much like the lesson of the "kintsugi"
Perhaps we can apply these insights to our current "transformation" as Americans, who are challenged by the USCCB
-"to seek greater understanding amongst God's people"
-"to rid ourselves of the harm that bias and prejudice cause
-"to heal our deeply broken view of each other"
For this week:
-What small steps can we take to approach this mystery of the "other"?
-Where can I learn more about those I consider "other"?