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In the wake of a frightening, disheartening day in our nation’s history, we pause to offer to God our fears, our hopes and our resolve to draw some hope for the future from the appalling spectacle in our country’s capital. We saw the forces of intimidation and violence attempt to destroy the democratic process in the United States. We cannot merely hope that the danger has passed and attempt to forget it as quickly as possible. As a nation, we must determine that we will not resort to threats, violence and lies to further our own aims and we will not tolerate those who do. Our nation and our faith demand that we respect one another, defend the rights of all persons and protect those who cannot speak for themselves.

Gracious and Loving God, we pray today that You inspire us to action in the face of this assault on freedom, democracy and unity. We ask you O Lord to give us the strength and the determination to take action, each day, in our families, our workplaces and our communities and to stand against those who seek to divide our nation, incite others to lawlessness and subvert order and justice. Jesus is our model of how to treat others with love and respect, especially those whose beliefs differ from our own. We ask Your blessings on us, on our country and on our government officials, that we always act to honor our democratic principles and defend the rights of all persons. We ask these graces through the intercession of St. Angela, in the name of Jesus, the Prince of Justice and Peace. Amen.

Sr. Cheryl Mentkowski, OSU
Director of Mission Integration
National Honor Society Adviser
Beaumont School

Sister Cheryl Mentkowski