“Not one sparrow falls the ground without your Father’s knowledge. Even all the hairs of your head are counted. So do not be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.” Gospel- 12th Sun. in Ordinary Time

A young boy, brought up on the wonders and fascination of modern technology was dismayed by the fact that everything had to be recharged or it died.

So, one day he ran to his mother because he was so upset and worried. “Mommy, he cried, tell me where I can be recharged! Where do I go and how do I do it? Where do I plug myself in when my charge gets low I don’t want to run my charger out!!! Show me how to charge myself up to keep living!

“Oh, my son, the mother laughed. You have been brought up with too much wiring. Don’t you know that you are a living being just like other living beings - trees, flowers, plants, vegetable, herbs, all the four legged beings, and the winged ones. All living beings and the earth itself is alive with the glory of God.”

“I know, said the boy. So, where do we plug in the trees, flowers, plants, vegetables, herbs, the four legged ones, and the birds? We must help them all get recharged. We have lot of work to do but I don’t know where the charge stations are. I don’t know how to plug everything in.”

The mother responded, “The great Mystery of Spirit flows through all life and constantly keeps it all charged up – you too. We don’t have to do a thing, just enjoy our lives and spend them well. Everything stays charged up!”

“You mean we don’t have to recharge ourselves? This flow of Spirit takes such care of us? What a wonder!!! We are being charged up every minute - sleeping too? I should thank our Great Spirit who stays with us, and keeps all beings alive without plugging them in someplace.”

“Yes, said the mother. We all share life that is freely given in all it’s beauty. The earth is always being “charged up” by the One who created and sustains us all. Our God is a great charger.”

Sister Mary Joan Grisez