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Last Sunday the Cleveland Ursulines celebrated the Diamond Jubilee of 10 of their members. Just as a cut diamond has many facets, so there were different facets of time to be celebrated: 75 years of service in the congregation for one sister, 70 years for three sisters and 60 years for six sisters. All these sisters are diamonds to us. The Jubilarians chose to place on the cover of their invitation the grateful phrase “It’s all about the journey.”

The Gospel of last Sunday’s Mass began with a pair of Jesus’ followers reporting about what had transpired on their journey from Jerusalem back home to Emmaus and the “stranger” who had joined them. “The two disciples recounted what had taken place on the way [on the journey], and how Jesus was made known to them in the breaking of bread.”(Luke 24:35)

Life is a journey. We do not necessarily pay attention to every little detail, but when looked at with hindsight each of us can relate to the experience of the disciples and of the Jubilarians. The pathways we walk can often be routinely familiar, even monotonous at times, sometimes smooth/clear/easy to traverse, encouraged by accomplishments and fruitfulness, and at other times troubled by treacherous terrain/dangerous weather conditions/ discouragement or lack of a functioning GPS.

But then, at unexpected moments, we are reminded again … and again … and again … why we undertook the journey in the first place, and who it is who companions us as we walk. It may be in a meal, it may be in conversation, it may be in a touch. But we recognize Him and are reenergized for the travel ahead, however many miles or years lie before us. We are grateful! We celebrate jubilees. Truly, it’s all about the journey and we gladly continue, confident that we always walk in the company of one who knows the road and who will guide and protect us every step of the way.

Sister Janet Moore