The Light of the World

The Gospel this coming Sunday is that of the Man Born Blind. (John 9:1—38) It is an interesting story somewhat unlike others. The blind man was simply sitting by the road and was first identified by the disciples who asked Jesus if this blindness was a result of sin and whose sin? Jesus answered “Neither he nor his parents sinned; it is so that the works of God might be made visible….While I am in the world, I am the light of the world….I came into the world so that…those who do not see might see.”

So, this blind man never asked for healing and Jesus did not ask him to tell the story of his healing. But healing happened and through the questioning of the Pharisees, the man proclaimed the presence of Jesus as being of God. The blind man is a new disciple as he ‘teaches’ the Pharisees about Jesus—something about which they are none too happy.

So, let me turn to my own story. I find that my life is often filled with gifts and surprises from God that lead to new ways of seeing, that heal blindness and call me into discipleship. As the man born blind I am often blind to the call of all the suffering around me. In the midst of the darkness present in our world, the light breaks through and leads me into what is possible if I accept the invitation to walk in the light. I believe the invitation is to be a healer of those in need. It is an invitation to open my eyes to the possibilities that my light can bring into the world if I am willing. This invitation is a Divine surprise. It often catches me off guard with the offer of clarity and of vision that leads me toward the deep truth that I too am the light of Christ.

Can we all see the way into the light? Can we let go of our blindness and embrace the grace of the Light of the World. During this Lenten season, have I spent time with the healing light, asking for a vision that sees beyond the things of this world into the promise of new life in Christ. Lent is a time for transformation. Can I truly take on new life in the light. Can I give up the using others, selfish pursuits of pleasure and embrace the life offered by Jesus? This light changes everything. This Life changes everything. This transformation changes everything.

Sister Mary Ellen Brinovec