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May we?

December 25, 2017

Resolution 1: May we go deeper with God
Resolution 2: May we be there for others in the finest sense of the word.

May we look for God’s goodness in people who seem least likely to carry his love.
May we behold God’s radiance in the ones we quickly pass by at home or work.
May we embrace God in the persons whose faithfulness we take for granted.
May we see God’s empathy in those serving the wounded of the world.
May we recognize God’s courage in the valiant people who speak out for justice.
May we notice God’s non-judgmental acceptance in those who keep an open mind.
May we search for God’s gentleness when it is covered with harshness in another.
May we observe God’s generosity in every gift we receive, no matter how small it is.
May we reveal God’s mercy when we pardon someone for having turned against us.
May we welcome God’s joy in the delightful voices and happy play of children.
May we convey God’s compassion when we visit those with illness and poor health.
May we detect God’s patience in those who put up with our impatience and hurry.
May we unite with God’s peace hidden be-neath the layers of the world’s disharmony.

Remembering the Sacred Presence of the One Who Dwells among Us,” by Joyce Rupp

Sister Julianne McCauley