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Wisdom Comes From Many Sources
Surrender what no longer serves…
If you take care of your things, they will last longer…
The Lord gave me a mountain to climb and it’s too high…
For some reason all of these came to me as I sat down to reflect. The first is from a video series I follow. The second from my niece when she was about seven years old. And the last was from my grandmother on her death bed – when she knew enough to give her life back to God.
Wisdom comes when we least expect it and from sources that only the Source of All knows to put in our path. Some of the first century Jewish people thought the Gentiles had nothing to teach them. We read about that in the Acts of the Apostles. Some adults think that children have little to offer, the very children Jesus drew near to him in the gospel story. In our society we often write off those who are elderly, ill, disabled and dying even though Jesus saw himself as shepherd to lepers, the blind and the lame.
What do I have to learn about suffering and exclusion and grit from a transgender teen or adult? How can I gain insight from a person whose skin color has put them in places of oppression and also places of strength and courage? When has a Spirit-filled person of another faith shown me the love and mercy of God?
As we continue to celebrate Easter resurrection and sing “alleluia,” may we be open to wisdom from every source. If it is of God, we have nothing to fear and nothing to lose. May we join the multitude from every nation and become light and life, a grace to those whose lives touch ours.