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Remembering Sister Ruth Marie

Posted August 06, 2024 in Obituaries

A Valiant Woman

“Above all else, O Master of my soul, make me one intensely yours.” These are the final words of the song Valiant Woman, chosen by Sister Ruth Marie Behrend to open her funeral liturgy. What a powerful way to remember our beloved sister in our hearts in the years ahead!

Ruth was born in Cleveland in 1931 to Earl and Dorothy, a daughter in the middle of two brothers, E. James and William. She was baptized and confirmed at St. Philip Neri Church in the city where she attended school until her family moved to Euclid. After graduating from Holy Cross School, she attended Villa Angela Academy where she first began to seriously consider a vocation to religious life.

In 1949, Ruth was accepted as a postulant with the Ursuline Sisters and professed her final vows as Sister Ruth Marie in 1955. By this time, she had already taught for four years in three different grades while attending St. John College to attain a bachelor’s degree in education and a teaching certificate. Sister Ruth Marie also graduated from St. John College with a master’s degree in education. A woman of service, she committed herself to professionalism as she began a long career in education.

From 1951-1986, Sister Ruth Marie ministered in elementary education, teaching most grade levels and serving as assistant principal and principal. Former students will recall her from a variety of schools: St. William, St. Clare, St. Joseph (Collinwood), St. Ann, St. Mary (Mentor), and St. John Bosco.

Subsequently, years of using her financial and administrative skills served her well as treasurer and business manager at Villa Angela Academy, Villa Angela-St. Joseph High School and in the Finance Office of the congregation. When others would consider retirement, Sister Ruth Marie continued to offer her gifts to the community in local house administration in a variety of roles. She remained a valiant woman with a spirit strong and constant.

Sister Ruth Marie was a dedicated woman of gospel service which is significant to recall. It is also important to remember her as a friend, a sister, an aunt and a woman with a variety of interests.  Students may call to mind a classroom and a habit. Friends also picture her on a fishing boat or by a campfire.  She was skilled in using her hands for leather work. And she was wise in offering counsel to younger sisters. Although she would lament in her own mind that she was “not a people person,” the rest of us would find reason after reason to disagree. Her compassionate heart, her hard-won insight, and her example of prayer are a legacy that cannot be denied. She was a woman of principle, steadfast and sure.

A quiet woman happy in the background, Sister Ruth Marie would prefer the focus to be on the loving God she served. Her choices of readings and songs for her funeral are so indicative of her spiritual wisdom; God’s faithfulness and love, and our call to be that divine spark for others as valiant daughters and sons of our Creator, is the final message she left to us in planning her own liturgy. Do we mirror our sister’s desire to be God’s with all the intensity of our being?

When her body no longer enabled Sister Ruth Marie to be physically active in ministry, she moved to Regina Health Center. She became a living, breathing example of fidelity and graciousness (with an occasional spark of mischief in her eyes), grateful for the care she received and the friends, family and community members who visited. In these final years, Sister Ruth Marie would often say that she was ready for her earthly life to end so that her everlasting life with God could begin in its fullness. She received this final gift on August 6, 2024, surrendering to the divine love that called her home after 93 years of life and 74 years in the embrace of the Ursuline Sisters. Sister Ruth Marie has had her quest answered, “Make me…O Master of my soul…one intensely yours.”

Sister Ruth Marie was preceded in death by her parents, brothers and sisters-in-law.  She is survived by nieces and nephews, as well as her godson.


Services for Sister Ruth Marie will be held at Regina Health Center, 5232 Broadview Rd., Richfield.

Funeral Mass: Friday, August 9 at 11:00, visitation preceding beginning at 10:00. Masks required.

Burial: All Souls Cemetery

Memorial donations may be made to the Ursuline Sisters of Cleveland: https://www.ursulinesisters.org



Arrangements by DeJohn-Flynn-Mylott