Celebrating 175 years of joyful service!
Cash gifts may be made through credit/debit card transactions, cash, personal checks, cashier’s checks, or money orders made payable to the Ursuline Sisters of Cleveland can be sent to:
The Ursuline Sisters of Cleveland
Development Office
6085 Parkland Blvd. Suite 175
Mayfield Heights, OH 44124
(Legal title: Ursuline Academy of Cleveland EIN#34-0832279)
Appreciated securities are an attractive alternative to cash gifts. Stocks, bonds, and mutual funds that you have owned for more than one year and that have increased in value are popular assets used for charitable giving. And don’t forget about your IRA.
Call the development office at 440-229-5600 for more information.
Matching gift programs by corporations may allow donors to double or even triple the amount of their contribution. Matching gift forms are available from company personnel or human resource offices.
IRA or Qualified Plan. At death, retirement plan or IRA balances are included for estate and income taxes to your beneficiaries - often up to 85 percent. Funding a charitable bequest with an IRA or retirement plan prevents the bequest from becoming a liability of your estate, and the gift is made pre-tax dollars
Donor Advised Fund (DAF)
A donor advised fund (DAF) is a philanthropic version of an investment account, the purpose of which is to financially support nonprofit organizations, such as the Ursuline Sisters of Cleveland, that align with your values. Your gift can be restricted or directed to a specific sister ministry or program.
Make your gift online - It's Simple: