Celebrating 175 years of joyful service! Learn More

Get Involved


"Do now what you wish to have done when your moment comes to die." -Angela Merici

The Ursuline Sisters are seeking volunteers to serve in the positions below!

Contact our Volunteer Coordinator, Maggie Gibson by email or phone: 440 229-5628.

Cemetery Headstone Maintenance

Maintain the neat and trim appearance of Ursuline Sisters’ headstones at All Souls Cemetery in Chardon. Approximately three times per year (spring - autumn) trim back the lawn’s edges around stones, wipe stones clean, report when stones appear sunken or uneven, etc.


Drivers provide transportation for sisters living at Regina Healthcare in Richfield. Destinations are to appointments and occasionally to ministry assignments or to run an errand. The sisters provide the car and gas, or you may drive your own.

Friendly Visitors

Ursuline Sisters residing at Regina Health Care enjoy the company of others who are willing to spend a little time with them each week. Chat, read the newspaper, take walks within the building. The task is simple but your company helps improve the quality of life for our sisters.


For other ways to "get involved" click HERE.


We could use your help! Contact our Volunteer Coordinator by email or phone: 216-449-1200, or fill out this form to receive more information!
