Celebrating 175 years of joyful service!
We welcome your prayer requests. The sisters will remember your intentions in their daily prayers. Use the form below to send us your prayer request or call the Prayer Line: (440) 449-1200. Press 3 when you hear the greeting. Please leave a message with your request and if you wish, a sister will return your call.
Would you like to offer the gift of prayer to friends and loved ones? Enroll them in the Friends of St. Angela; they will be remembered during six Eucharistic celebrations in the sisters’ chapel. Call Kathy Pestotnik at 440-229-5624. A donation of $10.00 for each enrollment is suggested.
Enrollment in Perpetual Membership means that they will be remembered in prayer during one Eucharistic celebration each week and on one Sunday each month. Beautiful Perpetual Enrollment cards are also available. A donation of $30.00 for perpetual enrollment is suggested.
Sisters devote special prayers for members as well.